Funcions: proporcionar un servei de qualitat als clients/es, entendre com la cartera comercial pot proporcionar una solució adequada a les necessitats específiques dels clients/es i seguiment dels processos operatius i de negoci que són fonamentals per mantenir el servei (fluxos operatius, enquestes de satisfacció del client…)
Condicions: Contracte d’obra i servei, jornada completa , 1380 euros salari brut per mes, 100 euros plus de transport i 700/800 eures per incentius, anglès alt, alemany valorable, excel mitjà i carnet de conduir.
Timing de la jornada:
- 9h-9’15h – Presentació Corporativa Europcar
- 9’15-9’30h – Presentació Carrera Professional Europcar
- 9’30-10’30h – Dinàmica de grup
- 10’30 – Entrevistes individuals
Tasks: provide quality service to the customers, understand how the commercial portfolio can provide appropiate solution to specific customer needs and the follow-up with operational and with business processes which are critical to maintain service (operational flows, customer satisfaction survey,…)
Conditions: Agreement of work and service, full time job, 1380 € gross income per month, 100 € plus for transport and 700/800 € as incentive, high-level English knowledge , German is unasset and Excel program. Driving Licence required.
Timing of the day:
- 9h-9’15h: Corporate Presentation Europcar
- 9’15-9’30h: Presentation Professional Career Europcar
- 9’30-10’30h: Dynamic of group
- 10’30h: Individual interviews
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